total precipitation 1-3 May 2010 over Kentucky and Tennessee.
Total Precipitation from 1-3 May 2010 over Kentucky and Tennessee.
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Contact:   Benjamin Moore
July 27, 2012

Teletraining Seminar on May 2010 Floods in Tennessee and Kentucky

Benjamin Moore of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory and the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences conducted a National Weather Service (NWS) Teletraining Seminar on the devastating heavy rainfall/flooding event in Tennessee and Kentucky that occurred in early May 2010.

The Teletraining Seminar was hosted by Bernard Meisner, Chief of Science and Training at the NWS Southern Region, on 10 May 2012. Key findings were presented from a recently published paper (by Moore and co-authors), which examines the flooding event from a meteorological perspective. The study represents an early effort in the emerging Southeast U.S. component of HMT (HMT-SE). A primary key objective of HMT-SE is to improve understanding of the atmospheric flow patterns and the dominant key physical processes that produce extreme precipitation in the Southeast U.S. The seminar featured a detailed meteorological analysis of the flooding event that drew upon a suite of observational and numerical-model based data sources and focused on the factors most useful and relevant to NWS forecasters. This analysis identified important features in the large-scale environment and key physical processes that contributed to two consecutive days of heavy rainfall across Tennessee and Kentucky. Notable findings presented from the study include:

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