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Russian River Hydrologic Modeling Meeting

February 28, 2014

HMT participated in a meeting to discuss hydrologic modeling activities in the Russian River watershed. Hosted by the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) on November 20, 2013, the meeting brought together researchers from NOAA, the US Geological Survey, US Army Corps of Engineers, and other agencies to talk hydrologic activities currently on going in the Russian and to identify potential areas for collaboration. HMT is leading a project to identify tributary base flows in the Russian for fisheries habitat restoration in coordination with NMFS and the NWS as part of the NOAA's Habitat Blueprint process (related story) .

The tributary project, led by Dr. Lynn Johnson at NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory in Boulder, Colo., seeks to find a collaborative approach to identifying natural and managed flows in the Russian. The ongoing drought in California has brought the issue of competing demands for water in the Russian watershed to the forefront. In addition to the Habitat Blueprint, the Russian River watershed serves as Pilot for the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) and the Integrated Water Research Science and Services (IWRSS) initiative, both of which are multiagency efforts.

Contact: Rob Cifelli

Animation of atmospheric river event, February 2014. (CREDIT: NOAA/ESRL Physical Sciences Division)
The Russian River downstream of Duncan's Mills, California. Credit: Finlay McWalter (CC BY-SA 3.0)
The Russian River downstream of Duncan's Mills, California. Credit: Finlay McWalter (CC BY-SA 3.0)